This page is a work in progress and mostly an outline.

Horror nasalium

Konua and Central Rotokas underwent a shift of *m *n *ŋ > β ɾ g, leading to a consonant inventory with no nasals. Aita Rotokas preserves /m n ŋ/, so this shift likely spread areally. (Yeli 20XX)

TODO: Lushootseed [was this areal and more widely spread?]

TODO: Wiyot?

TODO: Some sources claim Korean has lost nasals in initial position; cf. the Turkic horror nasalium. Probably put that first.


Laz, Mingrelian, and some Georgian dialects have excrescence of nasals in stressed syllable codas: *qʰidi > xinji, Georgian ekvsi "six" ~ Mingrelian amšvi. (Wier 2023)